Saturday, July 29, 2006

back on dry land

Well we returned home last night at about 10:30pm. The trip home from Seattle was uneventful and overall the trip was wonderful! We have a lot of good photos and some good video to share with everyone. Last night was rough because even though it was 2am, our bodies were still telling us it was 9pm! And this morning I woke up and my equilibrium was still messed up so up until a few hours ago I still felt like I was swaying like on the ship. Yay! :( Anyway, we are very happy to be home, but we won't be here for long. Sean and I will be going to East Hampton Thursday or Friday for Conlon and TracyAnn's wedding. Before that I have to shop for school, get into my classroom and start organizing and preparing, and meet all of my fellow teachers to pick their brains. So incredibly overwhelmed with all of that stuff.

Tomorrow we are having a crab feast with my dad's cousin Mark and his family from California, so that should be entertaining. I spoke to my grandmother on the phone this evening and she sounded great! I asked how she was feeling and she said she was having a great day, maybe her best day so far. So if you check the comments from the last post my mom left an update of the whole situation. We should have some more information sometime this week. Anyway, we are happy to be home and now we get to prepare for our next trip!


Anonymous said...

she is having a pretty good day today so far. Courtney

Anonymous said...

welcome home! :)