Thursday, February 01, 2007

oh boy!

Well it has been a challenging few days here at the Carabine residence. We have been trying to get a nurse lined up, and just when we thought we had one, they called to say that they are having staffing problems and cannot help us at this time. We are getting the runaround from the docs and feel like we are running in circles! It's not helpful when the doc handling your case is only in the office three days a week and when you have as many hands in the basket as we do, it makes it even more complicated. Yesterday we were blessed enough to have Bert and Leah come over and Leah and I were able to run some errands while Bert sat with Sean. This was very nice! But having an easy day just isn't in the cards for us yet, so last night (this morning really, it was 1am!) Sean's tummy gave us fit! Not sure if it was the chemo (or the Burrito Ultimo he had for lunch!) but either way it led us to a sleepless night and lots of cleaning up! But this morning we woke up to more of this darn nurse business, which is still not straightened out, but I have calls in to everyone involved, and Sean is feeling better after some breakfast and good ol' Gatorade! Keeping our heads up...


pam parto said...

just trying this out. pam

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having us out to Aberdeen saturday. It was good to see you guys and hang out and talk. FYI I'm working on more Burrito Ultimo jokes...see you soon! LOL

Mike W.