Saturday, January 27, 2007

we have lift off!

Yesterday we spent 10 hours at NIH getting consents signed and getting the Avastin and CPT infusions. The day was very long, but everything went great! The nurses were able to get good blood lines, quick urine samples, and the infusions caused no problems! So far, Sean has yet to experience any of the side effects of the CPT, which is awesome (diarrhea and vomiting did not sound like something that would be friendly to a person with limited mobility)! So we have enjoyed a day of rest after our day out yesterday. We are in the process of lining up a home care nurse to come in and help out, make sure that we are doing everything right, and give any additional ideas on how to make life easier. We are also going to have a physical therapist come in and help do some patterning exercises with Sean and get him moving again. So there are quite a few things on the horizon and we are looking forward to moving on and making some progress. Thanks to everyone for being so understanding, sorry for any of the calls that have not been returned, or returned late, and updates being scattered. We are trying to create some sort of balance in our lives, which has been challenging, but I think that we are making improvements everyday and making it work for us!


pam parto said...

Great!!! I'm glad things are going good. You don't need any of the side effects to cause more challanges. Sean do you need some more SOUP yet? Pam

prumom said...

The two of you are more than inspirational, you are heroic! We send you our thoughts and prayers, and look forward to seeing you when you are settled in. Lots of love to you both.

pam parto said...

I had a dream last night that I came for a visit and Sean was standing there all dressed with tennis shoes on 50lbs lighter and walked over to me with just a little wobble. Hopefully that a good sign. Pam