Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another Thanksgiving

Well another Thanksgiving has successfully come and gone! We had the annual gathering at our house again this year and everything was great! Conlon and TracyAnn were the first guests to arrive, when they came into town last Saturday. We spent the whole week with them and had a blast! We got to spend Conlon's birthday with him and went to Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse to celebrate with some friends. It was so nice. On Wednesday Sean had an appointment with Dr. Fine at NIH and got tremendous results! There has been significant reduction in both of the tumors (brain stem and cerebellum) and the new drug seems to be working away. Unfortunately, he is not feeling a ton better, which is hard when you get such good news. But we are taking it day by day and looking forward to Sean feeling better soon! It was great news to celebrate over Thanksgiving. The Aabs and the rest of the Carabines were waiting for us when we got home on Wednesday and we enjoyed the rest of the weekend with them! On Saturday we gathered at the Emery's to make our Christmas candy, which is always a nice kickoff to the holiday season! Now it's back to work after a LONG break :( and getting ready for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

finally !!
thanks for adding another entry!\


Anonymous said...

It was great spending time with everyone on such a special day. It was also great making all the candy. Thanks for the update. Pam